You wish to use the trail from Le Puy (via podiensis). Many documents are available:
- Le "Sentier vers Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle" Via Le Puy (in French) describes the itinierary and has IGN maps.
- Sur les pas de Saint Jacques (in French) : The hiking guide to prepare your itinirary from Le Puy-en-Velay to Livinhac-le-Haut (Aveyron).
- The Compostela trails from Figeac: Information at the Office de Tourisme de Figeac
- Flyer Conques and Figeac - 2025
Conques is also a departure point of an alternative route allowing you to connect with another major pilgrimage site, Saint-Sernin basilica in Toulouse. Following part of the GR®65 than the GR®62B, you may then go on to the Via Tolosana. Go through the hiking guide « Le chemin de Conques à Toulouse ».
Carefull: Conques is also an arrival/departure point for another GR going towards Rodez and Meyruiès (GR®62) in the south of France.
To know about all the trails leading towards Santiago de Compostella, go onto acir-compostelle.